Shady Sun

This is Shady Sun, our anxious and slightly untrustworthy looking mascot. He’s often up to no good in some sort of lowkey way – usually stealing the calories out of our beer – and is probably more scared of you than you are of him.

It’s tough being a sun these days – no one worships or makes sacrifices to you anymore. However you can find him on on our cans, clothes and glassware, amongst other places, which is a small consolation for him. No tattoos yet thought, but if you’re game go for it and send us a pic, we might give you free beer for a year.

When in doubt, just look out for ‘The One With The Sun’.

  • Stokey Wines

    103 Stoke Newington Church St, London N16 0UD

  • Hackney Whole Food

    45 Lower Clapton Rd, Lower Clapton, London E5 0NU